Richard Matthews

About Me Research Talks
spot the cardinal

About me

I am a set theorist working in axiomatic set theory, particularly subsystems of the "standard" axiomatisation of mathematics, ZFC. Set theory studies the foundations of mathematics and the axioms we use are the building blocks from which we can construct all other mathematical objects. In principle, by weakening the foundations we are working with, we are able to prove less statements. However, if we can still prove something, the weak system often tells us more about the proof and why mathematics works the way it does.

My research interests include: Realizability, Set Theory without Power Set, Constructive Set Theory and Large Cardinals. To contact me you can email


Recently, I completed a postdoc with Laura Fontanella at Université Paris-Est Créteil on Krivine realizability. Kleene's method of realizability was originally contructed as a way to extract the computational content of constuctive proofs as well as being a method to prove versions of the disjunction and existential witness properties for various intuitionistic theories. In a series of papers Jean-Louis Krivine extended this idea to work over classical logic using a technique which builds both upon Kleene's original idea and the method of forcing in set theory.

Research Experience:

  • (2022 - 2024)

  • Postdoctoral project with Laura Fontanella at Université Paris-Est Créteil, working on models of realizability.

  • (2021 - 2022)

  • Postdoctoral project at the University of Leeds, working on models of set theory without Power Set.

  • (2017 - 2021)

  • PhD at the University of Leeds, advised by Michael Rathjen and Andrew Brooke-Taylor on large cardinals in weakened axiomatic theories.

  • (2013 - 2017)

  • M.Sc. in mathematics at the University of Bristol.

Teaching Experience:

  • (2023 - )

  • Tutor, University of Cambridge, for third year undergraduate modules in Automata and Formal Languages and Logic and Set Theory.

  • (Spring 2024)

  • Visting Lecturer, University of Cambridge, lecturing a Master's level (Part III) course on Forcing and the Continuum Hypothesis.

  • (2021 - 2022)

  • Project supervisor, University of Leeds, supervising third year projects in Set Theory.

  • (2018 - 2020)

  • Tutor, University of Leeds, for a number of first year modules in pure mathematics.

About Me     Research     Talks